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The Silken Web - Sandra Brown I read this book on spring break in sixth grade, while my mom and Ann and I were on our way to Washington D.C. It was my mom's, from the library, and I ran out of books or got bored with mine or something. I decided to re-read it because, and this is a little embarassing, this book actually taught me about sex. Like, what it is. Prior to this, I thought that anytime two people were naked and in contact, they were having sex. Talk about eye-opening.

Do not e fooled by this hardcover edition, y'all. This is genre romance, through and through. And also, it's pretty bad. Overuse of obscure words, virility as the ULTIMATE in sexy. I do like romance novels, but I realized when I was re-reading this that I pretty much can only tolerate historical romance novels, or I get stuck on the chauvinism and--well, not misogyny, but sexism, etc. Also, the hero here is freaking Magnum P.I. Well, he's not a detective, but he's got the hair and the mustache and the shades and th attitude, and it's so not sexy.